I know, I know, lately I’ve always talked to you about the East , but in the meantime I’m back in the West. And as I diligently spread my journals of adventures , Sherpa gave vent to his more aggressively ingenious vocation. Not satisfied with the usual assembly and disassembly, I do not pay teardrops in front of beautiful threaded rods (“Ele, Ele, ommioddio, there is a beautiful threaded rod!” – And if you did not know what a threaded rod was before now, join the club), decided, after the admirable discovery of an ancient medieval manual on camperizzazioni, which would try to camperizzare the Panda, in anticipation of long migrations in the future.
The article he wrote it, with my stitches (he has the substance, I nonsense).
Good reading and keep strong: the Pander is coming!
Eleonora and Cosimo
«In the modern bibliography (see Pinterest and google search) numerous and vain are the references on the transmutation of one’s car to a mobile home, also called a camper. Very few illusions, however, have dared the enterprise on the novel Panda, given its unhappy, narrow trunk and its bad interior habitability. Only the brave, painful travelers of Pain de Route have one day challenged destiny, succeeding in the incredible enterprise … »
from “De Pandae Camperisatione”, S. Citrullo, 1231
Well, if we really want to say it all, I would have gladly avoided even working on such a small car; but, as they say, this passes the convent: and we fully exploit it.
Introduction to how to camp the Panda
Also in this enterprise we have followed some simple rules that have shown us the way even in the most difficult choices of the Panda:
- security and legality
- constructive simplicity (and reproducibility)
- inexpensiveness
In our mind the PandaCamper had to function as a small, but comfortable, cupboard / kitchen / shower for two.
As for the sleep instead we preferred (while waiting to integrate the equipment with a roof tent) use a normal camping tent to be mounted in the evening in the evening, in case you can not find someone who us guests on our travels.